In 1931 historian James Truslow Adams popularized the term “American Dream.” Adams described the American Dream as a dream “life should be better and richer and fuller for every man, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.” (1). The Great Depression challenged that. Unemployment reached twenty-five percent. Lines for the soup kitchens stretched for blocks. Families were evicted and homeless. America was plunged into a situation which didn’t allow its citizens to grow and advance. Despite Americans not being able to achieve their true potential, the dream endured. Americans were asked if there should be a limit to how much one can earn, where money earned above the wage cap would be collected by the federal government. Despite the economic hardship, 61% of the respondents answered “no.” (1). Why? I believe it’s because of the American Dream still burning in their hearts. The dream includes struggle and hard work. The dream includes humble beginn...